Christie Sprowls Psy.D

EMDR Certification Consultation

EMDR Certification Consultation Participant’s Agreement


Certification provides the opportunity to assess your strengths, to deepen your overall understanding, knowledge, and therapy skills with EMDR. During the consultation, you will receive individualized instruction and feedback in the application of the EMDR procedural steps, use of EMDR within a structured treatment plan, case conceptualization, client readiness, target selection, specific application of skills, and the integration of EMDR into clinical practice.

It is understood that neither Christie Sprowls Psy.D as group facilitator, nor other therapists/participants shall be construed as providing supervision to a participant on any specific case. While clinical possibilities will be discussed and ideas shared in relation to the clinical situations presented, the therapist is solely responsible for the clinical management of the client/patient and is expected to exercise his/her best judgment in all relevant clinical matters. It is also understood that whatever information is presented in these sessions is to be kept confidential among the participants both during and after your participation in the group.

The fee for an hour of group Certification Consultation is $150.00. We will meet for 2 hours at a time for $300.00. Payment will be divided into 5 payments of $600.00. If you prefer, you may pay all at once. Professionals are responsible for keeping track of consultation dates and times. Please note that you are financially responsible for each session, whether you attend or not. Should something arise, please let Dr. Sprowls know and plan for a make-up session. Payment is due in advance of the 1st scheduled consultation session. Payment group sessions can be made by check, cash, or money order. Credit cards are only accepted for full payment. Christie Sprowls Psy.D will confirm your certification consultation hours and provide a letter of recommendation for  EMDR Certification.

Fill out the form below, and we will send you the documents you need to start.

I am interested in EMDR Certification Consultation

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